Introducing our budding family. We hope you will enjoy watching us grow... and everything else under the sun. ;)

A Smile Is Worth a Thousand Words

Yesterday we expected to pick up Hayden's Wonka play DVD's at the park district. Unfortunately, they hadn't made the trip along with another set of play DVD's and were told we could pick them up this coming weekend when Hayden starts Beauty and the "B". More waiting...

Since we were already there, we made the most out of it and ran to the park next door. I don't know why I haven't ever seen this banner at the park entrance before... but once we crossed the parking lot and Hayden's shadow hit the "SUN" at just the right spot - I quickly had him pose and pulled out my phone for a click. (Thank goodness for the camera on my phone!)

This week were are counting our smiles and hoping they last. Hayden is finishing getting over a tummy bug, and we are hoping to NOT catch it. We still managed to have a great long weekend, but felt bad for Hay on Friday and most of Saturday.

We have received word that our dossier is being complied and will be shipped off to the K-embassy in D.C. this week. Once there, it will be processed and we believe it should take about 4-6 weeks. Though we have learned to not count our chickens before they hatch.

Hayden is enjoying 1st grade! When asked how his day went or how does he like first grade - his comments are always the same... "AWESOME!". We are so proud of him for loving school and keeping a smile on his face everyday! Below is a picture of our little guy, off to his first day of 1st grade. He couldn't wait for that day to come.

Crossing the finish line for today showing our pearly whites - we will continue to keep you posted on our dossier, Hayden's awesome school achievements, and any other of our future endeavors. ;) 0 comments

Bit Of Sunshine


A 2 foot narrow box arrived at my door earlier this week. Since I was working and on calls, I ignored the bell. I finished shortly after and remembered to check the door (junk flyer? Pinecone freebie?). Once outside, I found this marvel that put a smile on my face, something that hadn't appeared much this week. I was pretty sure Michael hadn't sent me flowers... who could it have been?

After arranging the bulbs in the bright orange mug, I searched for the card... "bit of sunshine" it read. Indeed it was. It wasn't until today that the bulbs starting opening into beautiful Lilies, sprouting and giving me hope that today was going to be a better day.

Later this afternoon, while cleaning the bathrooms (do you know how much fun it is to clean toothpaste off counters? Yeah, that much fun!), Michael called to tell me that our loan went through. We were approved for the same amount as before... no problemo. I could finally wipe the sweat from my brow and pull my panties out of a bunch.

In addition, yesterday I overnighted all the forms Dear Aunt Rita notarized to our agency. I once again do not anticipate any trouble with them, nor anymore paperwork. Hopefully we are in the home stretch.

I want to thank Michele for the wonderful flowers and for thinking of us. They really have added sunshine to my week.

Here's hoping for a great Labor Weekend, and a better week next week! 1 comments