Introducing our budding family. We hope you will enjoy watching us grow... and everything else under the sun. ;)

Slow Down for Yellow Lights

How fast life can change in the blink of an eye, the flash of a light, or a ring of a phone call... that's the evidence of the past 2 days.

Sure, Hayden's 1st days as a first grader should be awesome... However, lately with good - we are tested with bad.

For instance... our papers from the Sec. of State should NOW be in the mail to our international agency. Even though they were mailed over two weeks ago. Yes, only 3 forms...

Next up... another change of paperwork for Kazakhstan. In regards to finances and number matching, Michael spent most of the first hour and half after he got home from work yesterday figuring out what didn't match, returning phone calls and completing a NEW form for the Kazakh government.

Lastly, and I do hope last (but most likely won't be least) because I don't know how much more I can take this week... we found out 10 minutes ago one of our adoption loans "expired". What bank says "Oh, you're not using this money? Then we'll take it away since you don't need it". AHHHH!!! Obviously we weren't notified of this, and they don't care that it was for our adoption. How we will manage to find the additional funds to bring home Baby V at this point, let alone finish paying the remainder of the fees is more than tear-jerking. Gotta love the recession.

So that's where we are today. Stuck at a yellow light... 0 comments

August 26th or Bust!

Michael will be so proud of me for using an anime picture on our blog. LOL I couldn't tell you which anime, but I would put money on it that he would know.

Anyway, Hayden starts school on Wednesday. I've had several migraines and feel the nerves packing on. Him however... he's been excited, ready, and roarin' to go for weeks. Now if only I could get my butt in gear and label those 24 glue sticks. ;)

Once again it's a bittersweet time in our house. We are winding down the summer by park hopping and picnicking. The last few weeks have been busy to put it lightly. Hayden's Wonka play was a BLAST and once again we are soooo proud of our superstar. We've attended bday parties and more museums and even had an impromptu visit with Nana for a few days. Who needs an expensive lavish getaway vacation anyway? Although I wouldn't have minded getting away to a nearby hotel for a few days - preferably one with a water park (like last year... this idea is still currently in the works for sometime in the nearby future).
And speaking of our superstar... Hayden has decided to continue with play. He starts rehearsing for Beauty and the Beast in September and the performance will be in January. A bit far away, but with several breaks in between. The singing, dancing (burns off so much energy!) and the social interaction are great pluses for him. And we can't beat the price for 2 hours of peace every Saturday. It's like a mini date for Michael and I.

With Hayden starting 1st grade in just 2 days, I have had many people ask me... "what are you going to do with all your time?" To be brutally honest, I really thought that by now I would have someone else who needed me and would occupy my time. That being Baby V if it wasn't obvious.
So instead, I will be decorating her room cherry blossom style. Possibly painting the overdue powder room and living room and continue working with my "work at home" company.

As for the adoption process, yet another question I get asked frequently (please don't think I mind the questions - it's great to know you are thinking of us!). All papers are done, signed and mailed in. We recently sent the last batch (the Dr. licenses, etc.) to the Sec of State and they will forward them to our agency. All our papers are being translated currently, then off to proper channels before making it to Kazakhstan. We are uber-excited.

We have had a terrific summer and couldn't have planned it better. The constant running around didn't seem to bother anyone or get in the way - just kept us on our toes. I am sad to send my boys off to start another year of school and close another awesome summer.
The thought of the trees turning colors weakens my knees.. YIKES!

Here's to hoping next summer our brood will be bigger and my smile will be wider.

P.S. Pics will be uploaded on sidebar soon if not already ;) 0 comments