Introducing our budding family. We hope you will enjoy watching us grow... and everything else under the sun. ;)

Peek A Boo, Where Are You?


No, I haven't been hiding! Things have been - well, how do I put it lightly - crazy around here. But we haven't forgotten about our friends and followers. ;)
To be honest, blogging has been the last thing to do on my list. I have even neglected uploading pictures and sharing them (since Hayden's last play in July even, yikes!). But have no fear, Mel is still here!

Since the last time I have posted, a bit of "stuff" has happened. We had our 8th annual visit to Didier Farms and I was tickled pink to be able to attend *ahem*. Hayden enjoyed a family wedding, chatting up Michael's Godfather and dancing with his grandmother. He had oodles of fun, even with the absence of other kids and electronic toys. Who knew?

Also, I don't think I have mentioned before, but Hayden was invited to join a Reading enrichment class at school at the beginning of the year. The class meets once a week and is currently focusing on scrambled sentences - sometimes it even stumbles Mommy. This class was developed for children who have a passion for school, excel in reading, who are responsible and well behaved. We were honored when Hayden received the note home from school and very very proud.

We have updated our "Daily V's" page to include some pics from the month. Here you will see Hayden enjoying the pumpkin patch, a Halloween festival at our park district, and carving pumpkins. And a sneak peak at the decorations I manged to get up this year before our "Wind Storm" took it down.
Visit the Daily V's

In adoption news... our home study report has just been sent to DCFS at the beginning of the week. From what we hear, they are behind on processing and can take several weeks before we get it back. In the meantime, we can start on other paperwork, and just wait. More waiting, we're kinda used to it by now. 0 comments