The family felt whole - complete, with three cats, a fish, and a frog. But one day... an urge started to rattle their bones. A feeling like something was missing.
It was at that moment - more than two years ago - the Heavens introduced the miracle of adoption to the V family. A sibling, a daughter, a home. Happily Ever After.
We finished up Hayden's B&B play, took a break, and now we're back to business. Hayden continues on being a thespian. He will join the cast of Jungle Book starting next weekend and is excited to "get back to work". A Valentine party at school and a trip to an ENT (recommended by Hayden's speech and O.T. therapists) next week will kick off a busy weekend. Our busy February will turn into a busy March, filled with family bdays (including Daddy's!). Hayden's birthday isn't too far around the corner and is a frequent topic of discussion (mainly from Hayden, LOL).
In adoption speak, we are back to doing paperwork. Yep, you heard me right. One of our forms will be expiring soon, including our fingerprints. With these items needing to be renewed, our homestudy needs to be updated. Which, consequently, means more translating, shipping costs... etc. Yeah fun! We haven't received any word if we've moved up the adoption "food chain". But as always, we'll keep you posted.
B&B moments posted on our "Daily V's" slideshow to the right. Enjoy!
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